The Viveve System

  • 中文名稱:薇薇電波系統
  • 英文名稱:Viveve System
  • 衛部醫器輸字第030320號
  • 衛部醫器輸字第030320號

The Viveve System is certified by both the USFDA and Taiwan MOHW. Viveve Medical, Inc. (VIVE.US) is an American company that focuses on women’s health and has carried out multiple clinical trials in the US, Japan, and South Korea. The technology is currently in use in over 69 countries around the world and has helped countless women improve intimate area issues and enhance their quality of life. 

Viveve has created a new electrotherapy device specifically for women’s intimate health. The procedure is non-surgical, has a pleasant warming sensation that is perfectly safe, and has a short recovery period to ensure treatment does not have an impact on the patient’s daily life. For hygienic purposes, each patient has her own treatment applicator head.

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A small reminder from L’Excellence:

The information and images on this page are only for the provision of medical information. All photos published are sampled from the clinic’s patients with their permission. 

All treatments come with some risk, and results are subject to vary according to individuals. Please consult with a physician for a personalized assessment of treatments and possible improvements.