Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal – For a Smoother You
- Candela GentleLASE Laser System
- FDA Licensing No. 019212
The energy from the laser passes through the skin where the light is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle and turned into heat energy, damaging the cell of the hair follicle and inhibiting future hair growth. Since the laser can only damage hair follicles that are in their growth phase, a complete treatment will require multiple sessions. The number of sessions necessary will differ for each individual depending on his or her body type and the area to be treated.
How It Works
The Alexandrite Laser uses alexandrite stone as its gain medium and has a wavelength of 755 nm. It is designed to target melanin and is mainly used for hair removal, but is also effective for spot removal and skin brightening. Due to the laser’s exceptional ability to remove hair, it has become a mainstream hair removal device.
The Alexandrite Lasers used by L’Excellence are the GentleLASE and its successor the GentleLASE Pro made by the U.S. company Candela. The energy from the laser passes through the skin where the light is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle and turned into heat energy, damaging the cell of the hair follicle and inhibiting future hair growth. This is known as selective photothermolysis.
The duration of the effects of a laser hair removal session depends on the number of times the area has been treated. A single session can reduce hair volume by around 30-40%, while it typically takes 6-8 sessions to remove 60-80% of the hair. Hair has a certain regenerative capacity, and not all the hairs in a given area will be treated during a session. It is also impossible to fully destroy some hairs, while hair can also start growing again after being dormant for some time. Because of these factors, for some people it can take a minimum of 6-10 laser hair removal sessions for a complete treatment.

採用CANDELA獨有的原廠專利DCD™ (Dynamic Cooling Device™) 智慧型動態冷凍系統,在發射激光前毫秒間噴射-20度霧態冷凍劑CRYOGEN,有效保護、冷凍及鎮靜紓緩肌膚,避免皮膚灼傷之餘,令激光脫毛療程變得舒適無痛。
CANDELA GentleLase PRO™ 採用755nm激光波長,比810nm波長的激光更易被毛髮黑色素吸收。
Life Cycle of a Hair
The life cycle of a hair is separated into the growth, transition, and resting phases. During the growth phase the hair follicle is rich in melanin, while during the resting and transition phases there is a reduction in melanin in the follicle which results in poor results when using laser hair removal methods. The growth phases are different for each part of the body; the growth phase of armpit hair is about three months, while that of the legs is six months. This means that the recommended time between sessions will differ depending on treatment area.

Number of Hair Removal Sessions
Due to the fact that hair removal is more effective during the growth phase of the hair and less effective during the transition and resting phases, a single session of laser hair removal will, on average, remove about 15-30% of the hair. This means that four sessions will reduce hair volume to an average of 24% and six sessions will leave 11% volume remaining.

Post Hair Removal Care
Some of the hair follicles will be slightly red and inflamed immediately following treatment. During this time, be sure to maintain a regular regimen of moisturization and rest. Reactions with more pronounced redness and swelling can be treated with a topical anti-inflammatory ointment. If blistering occurs, treat the affected area with an antibiotic ointment.
Following Hair Removal…
… avoid exposure to UV light and be sure to apply sunscreen. Avoid the use of cologne, perfume, or deodorant products. If you require makeup following hair removal on the face, be sure to use hypoallergenic products.

Frequently Asked Questions
Laser hair removal mainly targets hair that is in its growth phase, because during this period the melanin in the follicles is at its highest concentration. Hair that regrows after laser therapy will be thinner and there will be less of it.
It is not possible to effectively treat 100% of the hairs in any given area, and a small number of hairs will not be completely destroyed by the laser. After a period of rest, some hairs may also resume growing. Generally, a single area typically requires a minimum of 6-10 sessions.
This depends on the growth cycle of the hair in the treatment area. It is usually recommended to have one session every eight weeks. This also helps to avoid over exposing the skin to heat that could result in damage, dry skin, and discomfort.
- Avoid over-exposure to UV light and avoid the use of retinoids or AHAs for one month.
- Do not undergo laser hair removal if the skin has any open wounds or other abnormalities.
- Shave hair on the treatment area.
- Do not pluck or undergo electrolysis or waxing of hair on the treatment area; the hair shaft must remain in the hair follicle for laser treatment to be effective.
- Topical anesthetics can be applied to sensitive areas, such as armpits or other areas with thinner skin, to mitigate discomfort during the procedure.
- For long-lasting results, it is recommended to undergo 4-6 sessions separated by 4-6 weeks between each session.
- For three days, avoid going to places that are overly hot or could easily cause infection, such as hot springs, steam rooms, and saunas.
- Use warm water to wash for one week and avoid overly hot water, exfoliating, deodorants, antiperspirants, and other irritating products.
- Avoid the use of irritating ingredients, such as alcohol, fragrances, ascorbic acid, AHAs or other acidic or whitening products.
- The appearance of small red spots or bumps is normal. Do not rub them or attempt to treat them yourself.
- To ensure the best results, be sure to return for follow up sessions according to the treatment plan.
A small reminder from L’Excellence:
The information and images on this page are only for the provision of medical information. All photos published are sampled from the clinic’s patients with their permission.
All treatments come with some risk, and results are subject to vary according to individuals. Please consult with a physician for a personalized assessment of treatments and possible improvements.